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The Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examinaion for admission in various professional courses in different Engineering colleges, Medical colleges, Agriculture colleges under the Govt.of Bihar is being conducted by Bihar Combined Entrance Cometitve Examination Board as constituded under the Bihar Combined Entrance Cometitve Examination Act, 1995.

Salient Fetures of Prospectus (BCECE-2013)

  • For the selection of candidates for admission & for allotment of seats on the basis of merit of BCECE-2012, reservation Policy/Rules of the Government of Bihar prevailing on the date of starting the sale of Application Forms for BCECE-2012 will be applicable.

  • For the candidates, who are permanent residents/ domicile of Bihar State & who have procured proper caste certificate from the concerned officers of state government for benefits of reservation. Reservation of seats for admission in verious Categories of each institute as per the policy of the Government of Bihar & applicable on the date of starting the sale of application forms of BCECE-2012 is as given below-

    CategoryCode% of Reserved SeatsRemark
  • Those candidates, who are non-resident/domicile of the State of Bihar, Seats earmarked for the reserved categories in the institution of state of Bihar will not be admissible vide letter No.-11/.... dated 09/12/2003 of Deptt of personal and administrative reforms, Govt. of Bihar.

  • The merit list of SC/ST/EBC/BC/RCG will be decided on the basis of reserved categories as per the resolution of the Govt of Bihar applicable at the time of the date of starting the sales of the application forms.

  • Disabled Quota: Merit cum choice under the prescribed standard of Disability

  • Service Men's Quota: when the candidates qualify as per the forms specified by the board.

Details Can be obtained from prospectus...
Details given on this website is only for guidance, officially authorized information is to be obtained from Prosepectus.