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Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) is constituted under Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Act, 1995 . It conducts competitive examinations every year for admissions in various professional courses of Medical, Engineering and Agricultural streams in the Institutions of the state of Bihar.


Advertisment: PGDAC-2025
Advertisment: PGMAC-2024
Advertisment: PGMAC[AYUSH]-2025
Advertisment: PGEAC-2025
Advertisment: UGMAC(AYUSH)-2025
Advertisment: UGMAC-2025
Advertisment: UGEAC-2025
Advertisment: BCECE-2024
Advertisment: BCECE[LE]-2025
Advertisment: DCECE-2025
Advertisment: DECE[LE]-2025
Advertisment: ITICAT-2025
Advertisment: TENDER-2025
Advertisment: SENIOR RESIDENT /TUTOR-2025
Right to Information:RTI
Advertisment: JUNIOR RESIDENT-2025